
11:00 pm

Getting Back into cybersecurity

my month long obsession starting again

I usually always get completely obsessed with things, and spend 24/7 on them until I get bored again. Cybersecurity was one of them, I think I'm feeling like getting into it again. While browsing sites kind of everywhere on neocities and getting lost in personnal blogs or archives, as well as .onion sites, I once again got lost in the privacy, and security rabbit hole. It's really encouraging me to keep on learning CS again.

I won't keep writing cybersecurity as a whole it's getting annoying

So i'll try to keep posting pretty consistently as I keep on learning, and I still have to find a way to share my obsidian notes so idk yet. What I really want to keep getting into is networking. I'm fascinated by how the web works. How it's some kind of interconnected society. The multi-million dollar companies' web doesn't cut it for me anymore. I want to get lost in all the little technological rants, and all the darkest parts of the ultimate place of freedom and expression.

I think that, as the web and the internet become more and more of necessities, that it is REQUIRED for you fellow user to know how it works in detail. I think it's required that the innerworkings of the internet and computers stop being classified as this nerdy niche, as they're used 24/7 by literally everyone. That's why It could be interesting for you to follow along my progress, learn alongside me, learn on your side too. Don't get scared of the giant that is the World Wide Web, get lost in it and enjoy it. Be curious, because the day we'll stop asking ourselves how things work, is the day we'll truly lose all hope.

Get yourself a cup of coffee or something, some nice music and led lights idc, get cozy and get lost. Try to avoid those extremely mainstream websites, as i've found they easily discourage you. But, don't worry, because as you keep on looking up things, you'll end up in not-so mainstream stuff at all, because everyone wants to learn how to hack their friend's computers or smthng, but no one actually wants to learn how to read the RFCs of protocols.

I think a really good starting place for you if you're entirely new is to simply ask yourself, "What happens when I go to www.youtube.com". Look it up, plain as that. And everytime you come across something you don't fully understand, look it up. Easy as that. Also try to write down all you learn as you go because trust me, you'll forget it and have a way easier time remembering it if it's written in your words. Write it down as if you were explaining it to yourself and you'll realise it really fast if you don't understand shit

I invite you to join me then. I'll probably add a contact page or something because I honestly can't be bothered to set up some kind of comment section or forum and have it be filled with bots. Anyways, I'll go venture so have fun out there and be safe :3

I love synthwave or retrowave when I do this