1:00 pm
My First Post!!
cute little subtitle system u like it?
Hey everyone (probably just me but still fun) It's my fist post here. I managed to set up a website I kinda like, coded the html and css and set up some kind of post listing system. Unfortunately i'm lazy ash tbh and really don't want to have to set up all the mildly complicated JS to actually make this simple to use for me, so everytime I actually make a post I'll actually have to manually add the listing and the date...
Look i even added a little sidenote system isn't it cute???
So yeah this blog should be done on the technical side, but I still have to figure out a way to import my obsidian notes on here without it looking like the obsidian interface. I want the notes to actually fit in the theme of the website so I'll have to look into that. Basically for now no notes for u.
I also REALLY want to add some form of like forum or at least comment system. I love talking to people online and wtv it's fun.
Yeah that's pretty much it for now, one thing I love about this is the anonimity. Will be able to complain about everything without any of the consequences that usually come with complaining! Great!